Supporting Gut Health During the Holidays

During the holidays, we often enjoy more indulgent meals (and maybe an extra glass of wine or two) as we get together with family and friends. The downside is that this can be a recipe for heartburn, bloating, indigestion, and other signs that the gut is not happy with our holiday food and beverage choices. Santa certainly doesn’t turn down a glass of milk and a plate of cookies and wouldn’t expect the rest of us to avoid eating foods that might cause digestive upset!

There are simple strategies we can use to support gut health during the holidays:

  • Eat slowly and chew thoroughly to make digestion easier on the stomach.
  • Eat healthy, clean meals in-between indulgent meals and events.
  • Minimize sugar, processed foods, gluten, and dairy to give the gut a much-needed break from the inflammatory foods typically enjoyed during holiday events.
  • Drink plenty of water and increase fibre intake whenever you get the chance (Healthology Daily Fibre Blend is a great addition to breakfast!). This helps to keep the bowels moving regularly, which is important for eliminating waste and detoxifying the body.
  • Support healthy digestion with Healthology GUT-FX, the ultimate formula to heal inflammation and restore our gut health.

Instead of skipping out on our favourite indulgences or spending the holidays with a stomach ache, we can support healthy digestion by taking Healthology GUT-FX. This formula is a synergistic blend of gut-healing nutrients, soothing herbs, and healthy probiotics that help to support a healthy gut environment.

GUT-FX contains L-glutamine, which is the most abundant building block of the gut lining, and N-acetyl-glucosamine, which boosts mediators that repair the gut lining. They work together to heal the gut from damage caused by eating unhealthy food, stress, medications, and more.

It uses three anti-inflammatory herbs to soothe digestion: marshmallow root, aloe vera leaf gel, and slippery elm bark. These herbs improve symptoms of heartburn, digestive upset, bloating, and irregular bowel movements. Their anti-inflammatory properties also heal damage

There are also two strains of healthy probiotics in GUT-FX, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis. These healthy gut flora work but colonizing the gut lining to improve the gut microbiome and prevent future flare-ups of digestive upset.

GUT-FX can help you to enjoy your favourite meals this holiday season without experiencing digestive symptoms like heartburn, bloating, gas, and irregular bowel habits. GUT-FX works by healing the gut lining, soothing symptoms, reducing inflammation, and preventing future flare-ups of indigestion. Support your gut environment this holiday season, and start the new year off with a happy, healthy gut!