For over 60 years, Douglas Laboratories has been dedicated to meeting the needs of healthcare professionals and is recognized as a leader in the development of high quality, science-based, innovative nutritional supplements across 12 health functions that support healthy lifestyles.
A.h.c.c.® Plus (60 Caps)
Acetyl L-carnitine (60 Caps)
Berberine Balance (60 Caps)
Caprylex (90 Cos)
Choles-sterol® (120 Caps)
Chromium-gtf (100 Caps)
Citrus-q10 100 (60 Cos)
Collagen Forte (300 Caps)
Corvalen M® (340g )
Corvalen® (280g )
D-mannose (50g )
Effer C (240g )
Ferro-c (60 Cos)
G.i. Digest (90 Caps)