
Migranon 2 75 mg (60 caps)


Migraines can be debilitating, and according to Statistics Canada, an estimated 14% of the world’s population have suffered from one. Along with the characteristic intense and piercing headache, they can also be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Over the past 25 years, butterbur, an herb used since the Middle Ages as a pain reliever, has gained recognition for its benefits in helping reduce the frequency of migraine headaches when taken preventatively. Flora Migranon II contains Petadolex®, a high-quality extract made from organically grown butterbur, carefully prepared to ensure its safety and efficacy – in its natural state, butterbur contains toxic compounds called pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), but the butterbur in Flora’s Migranon II has undergone a patented CO2 extraction method that removes the PAs, while guaranteeing therapeutic levels of the key active substances for migraine relief, naturally.

  • Safe, non-toxic extract from organically grown butterbur root (free of toxic alkaloids)
  • Clinically-proven
  • Helps to reduce the frequency of migraine headaches when taken as a prophylactic (preventatively).

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Valerie Contant
Amélioration de 25% environ

Je suis passée d’une vingtaine de migraines à 14 en moyenne après 2 mois de traitement. Et les Triptan sont beaucoup plus efficaces et rapides. (Mais c’est 2 derniers mois ont été très très intenses et stressants. Donc le potentiel est peut être plus grand que les résultats que j’ai pour l’instant. ) Je dirais que celui-là vaut la peine d’être essayé 3 mois.

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