New Roots
Vitaminee8 400 Iu (120 Gélules)
New Roots Herbal’s Vitamin E⁸ contains all eight forms of vitamin E&mdashfour tocopherols and four tocotrienols&mdashwith squalenes, beta-sitosterols, all non-GMO certified.
Vitamin E is one of the great fat-soluble antioxidants; it is able to go where ordinary water-soluble antioxidants cannot. Vitamin E helps stop oxygen in red blood cells from turning into harmful peroxides. As well, it protects other vitamins from oxidation in the digestive tract.
Most vitamin E supplements contain only ᴅ‑alpha‑tocopherol, and often the synthetic form; at New Roots Herbal, there is much more to vitamin E than ᴅ‑alpha‑tocopherol&mdashthere are eight compounds that make up the vitamin E family; four tocopherols and four tocotrienols, extracted from vegetable oils that are present in their natural, fully active, unesterified form. Our food contains all eight compounds, and this is the form our bodies have been processing since the beginning of our time.
The eight members of the vitamin E family have some functions that are similar, and other functions that are completely different. For example, gamma-tocopherol has a greater ability to detoxify nitrogen radicals that are associated with neurological disease and inflammation.
New Roots Herbal’s Vitamin E⁸ is sourced from GMO‑free sources. This natural, comprehensive vitamin E supplement provides all the benefits of vitamin E you would obtain from food and includes the benefits of tocotrienols, phytosterols, and squalenes. Phytosterols have cholesterol-lowering properties and may reduce the risk of heart disease.