Fighting Iron Deficiency with Plant-sourced Iron

Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the world. Vegans, pregnant and nursing women, seniors and athletes may be especially prone to deficiency or sub-optimal iron status. Fatigue, pale skin, brittle hair and nails and difficulty concentrating are just some of the symptoms of iron deficiency. If you’ve ever experienced iron deficiency, you know it’s no joke and supplementing is often the only way to build up your iron levels quickly and efficiently. Some iron preparations can be notoriously hard to digest and absorb well though, resulting in GI side effects like constipation or nausea.

Ferritin+™ from Flora is a clinically proven, slow release, plant based iron supplement that is readily absorbed without causing irritation to the gastro-intestinal tract. Ferritin is an iron-storage protein that our bodies know and use in order to store iron safely. Ferritin+™ is made using organic peas and has 20 mg of elemental iron in each capsule. The iron inside is protected by the ferritin protein and it is absorbed slowly but efficiently in a process unique to ferritin iron. This helps to reduce the gastro-intestinal side effects like oxidative damage, irritation, indigestion and constipation often associated with iron supplements.

Due to its unique protein bound nature, ferritin iron absorption is unaffected by anti-nutritives in the diet like phytates, oxalates or tannins, as well as minerals like calcium. It also doesn’t require vitamin C or other co-factors in order to absorb well. This is the absorption advantage to Ferritin+™.

Each ferritin molecule is packed with iron atoms and uses a unique pathway of absorption, unlike any other form of iron. Ferritin iron consists of a protein ‘cage’ that protects the iron through the digestive tract and protects your digestive tract from the iron as well. It’s what allows for a slow release and absorption over time.

The absorption process is called endocytosis – the ferritin protein ‘docks’ with the cells of the intestinal lining at specific sites and releases its iron atoms for absorption into the bloodstream. From there, it can replenish your red blood cells and ferritin iron reserves as needed. Clinical studies of ferritin iron have found that it absorbs as well or better than ferrous sulphate forms of iron. You can learn more about the clinical research supporting Ferritin+™ here.

Anyone dealing with iron deficiency knows how debilitating it can be. Reversing it shouldn’t have to be something you dread due to side effects. Ferritin+™ has the iron content, the absorption advantage and the side effect free safety profile you need to feel better, faster.